Character Education for Children that Needs to be Implemented from Childhood In Indonesian

Character Education of Children that Needs to be Implemented from Childhood - Children's education is important to build a character from childhood. As a parent or closest relative, of course, you need to accompany him so that he grows up with a more mature personality. It aims to direct his interests and himself. At the age of a child, the competitive spirit can actually be seen and known where it will lead later. If you haven't seen it yet, don't worry! The reason, this condition can be honed slowly but painstakingly.
Pendidikan Karakter Anak yang Perlu Diterapkan Sejak Kecil Pendidikan Karakter Anak yang Perlu Diterapkan Sejak Kecil

How to see a typical child with a competitive spirit who needs better character education direction? Here he is:

1. Often Big Head
The child is aware that he has many positive qualities compared to other children, thus making him a big-headed person. On the one hand, of course, you don't want him to be ostracized by his friends who see this behavior.

Try to remind your child not to be arrogant and to help his friend who is not superior. When you give compliments, don't focus on the "win" alone, but on the amazing qualities that helped him get there, such as hard work, motivation, and the fact that he doesn't give up even when he's struggling.

2. Punish Yourself
Recent research shows that feeling defeated and then punishing yourself can be done by children. If this happens, try not to feel alone by continuing to provide support.

If your child seems frustrated at losing, praise his efforts and highlight the good things he did. You may also consider shifting the focus from competition to skills development by engaging in artsy and socially-building activities.

3. Not Respecting Competitors
There are times when children convince themselves that they are better than others in the wrong way, such as underestimating their competitors or cheating. Teaching your child respect, even when he is more gifted, will help him develop into adulthood.

Teach children to be proud of mistakes and ask him to imitate the same things as their competitors as a form of respect for others. Encourage your child to compete healthily, so that he learns to be proud of his abilities without putting others down.

Ready? Now is the time to create potential through children's character education!

Character Education and Children's Intelligence
Developing through children's character education is very important.
Get to know the types of intelligence in children that can be formed from birth below:

- Linguistic intelligence
This type of child's intelligence focuses on the ability to use language through reading, writing, and speaking activities. He is very prominent in playing words, composing stories and poetry, giving speeches, and likes to be involved in discussions and debates.

- Logic-Mathematical Intelligence
This type of child intelligence relates to numbers, mathematics, and logic to understand various patterns that occur in life. He can solve problems, enjoys playing puzzles or puzzles, experimenting, asking various questions, and is good at analyzing other people.

- Spatial Visual Intelligence
This type of child intelligence relates to shapes, images, patterns, colors, designs, and textures that can be seen with the eye. Those who excel in this field are generally adept at drawing, painting, making figures with clay, and working with paper and cloth. He is also adept at reading maps, imagining shapes, and visualizing objects.

- Kinesthetic Intelligence
Children who have this intelligence generally stand out in sports and other physical activities, such as dancing, cycling, and maintaining body balance. They can express themselves well through body language, can imitate movements quickly, enjoy playing games that require physical skills.

- Interpersonal Intelligence
This type of child intelligence is the ability to build relationships with other people – especially friends and co-workers. Children with this intelligence have effective communication skills, good social skills, have many friends, enjoy working in teams, have good empathy for others.

- Intrapersonal Intelligence
This child's intelligence allows children to introspect themselves about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs, emotions, and spirituality themselves. They are generally more comfortable working alone, sometimes have time to be alone from the crowd, are introspective, have creativity, and have wisdom.

Children have a strong will and high self-confidence. They also tend to be able to motivate themselves without outside help or encouragement. Not infrequently, many friends make children who have intelligence a place to consult.

- Naturalist Intelligence
Children with this type of intelligence are very interested in and appreciate everything related to nature, such as plants, animals, environment, weather, and others. He prefers outdoor activities, likes to collect objects related to nature such as leaves, insects, shells, and likes to take care of animals.

- Musical Intelligence
This type of child intelligence emphasizes the ability to recognize tones, vibrations, sounds, and beats. Little ones who stand out in this field like music and sounds of nature, such as the sound of insects, the sound of water, the sound of rain, and others. Stimulates himself by listening to music, singing, and dancing together.

Introducing Children's Character Education from Home
Indeed, implementing children's character education can start at home. Primary socialization can be so crucial for their growth and development towards adulthood.

In this discussion, parents as the closest person to their children are expected to be able to accompany them properly. A challenge in educating, raising, and preparing a quality future for children.

Some of the ways parents can do this include:

  • Parents must set a positive example in behavior to their children.
  • Parents must help and pay attention to how they learn.
  • Respond to each child's behavior. If he behaves well give praise, if he behaves badly give proper understanding and understanding.
  • Help children to socialize with the environment around their home.
  • Accompany your child while watching the news or watching a movie.
  • Give knowledge about religion to children from an early age.
  • In addition, parents must also understand some things that should not be accustomed to provide providing character education to children. One of them is limiting playing smartphones or smart devices.

The study, published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, involved about 4,500 children from the United States aged 8 to 11 years. It was found that only 37 percent of children met the time limit for using gadgets for 2 hours or less per day, and only 18% met the recommendation of at least 60 minutes of physical activity.

Through these figures, it can be seen that the use of gadgets is still very influential on children's activities per day.

This clearly affects the development of the brain that should be able to grow properly at a young age.

The researchers found that continuous smartphone use had a close relationship between cognitive abilities related to memory, attention, comprehension, and language. Not infrequently, the majority of children are unable to fulfill all of these cognitive abilities due to external disturbances such as excessive use of gadgets.

Did you understand? So, apply children's character education from now on for a better future!

By: Rusty


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