Who does not know Soekarno? The Orator, Proclaimer of the First President of Indonesia. On this occasion, we will discuss the biography of the most influential figure in Indonesia, namely the biography of Soekarno.
Soekarno is one of the most famous and admired figures in Indonesia and the world. He is an accomplished orator who delivers speeches with content that inspires and ignites enthusiasm and awakens the spirit of struggle of the youth of his time.
Until now Soekarno's speech is still very interesting and liked because it awakens the struggle of the younger generation.
In addition to the figure of an accomplished orator, Soekarno is one of the founding fathers of the founding fathers of the Indonesian nation who participated in formulating and reading the proclamation of Indonesian independence in 1945.
As the first president of Indonesia, Soekarno was highly respected by the leaders of other countries at that time. Having excellent communication skills, he is even able to master many languages so that his intelligence is known by leaders of other countries.
The story and his actions are very interesting to listen to. Various stories and recorded history, from mysterious things to his intelligence lobbied many people. The following is the biography of Soekarno the Orator, the Proclaimer of the First President of IndonKecilesia.
Biografi Soekarno
- Nama lengkap : Ir. Soekarno
- Nama panggilan : Bung Karno
- Nama Kecil,: Kusno
- Tempat, tanggal lahir : Blitar, 6 Juni 1901
- Agama: Islam
- Nama Isteri :
- Fatmawati
- Hartini
- Ratna Sari Dewi
- Nama Anak :
- Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, Guruh (dari Fatmawati)
- Taufan, Bayu (dari Hartini)
- Kartika (dari Ratna Sari Dewi)
- Pendidikan :
- HIS di Surabaya
- Hoogere Burger School (HBS)
- Technische Hoogeschool (THS) di Bandung
- Meninggal: 21 Juni 1970
- Dimakamkan : Blitar, Jawa-Timur
Soekarno's Childhood
Knowing Soekarno's biography from a young age will be more interesting. Soekarno's close and popular nickname is Bung Karno. He was born to Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai on June 6, 1901 in Blitar, East Java with Koesno Sosrodihardjo.because he was often sick in childhood which according to the belief at the time, because his name did not match, then changed his name to Soekarno.
Soekarno's mother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai, is a Balinese nobleman who met Soekarno's father when he was a teacher in Bali.
As a child, Soekarno did not live with his parents, but he lived with his grandfather, Raden Harjokromo, in Tulung Agung, East Java. While his parents live in Blitar.
While living with his grandfather, Soekarno went to school although he did not finish his education there, because he had to go with his parents who moved to Mojokerto.
By descent, he is indeed a noble class, both from the genealogy of his father and mother. So what is the life that Soekarno feels like a nobleman? this is indeed interesting to explore.
In fact, Soekarno was born in the era before Indonesia's independence when difficult times were felt by many people, including the Soekarno family.
Little Soekarno didn't have shoes, he didn't take a shower with water flowing from the faucet as we feel today.
Eating with hands is always an option because you don't have a spoon. All the difficult conditions in the era before the independence of Indonesia.
As is known, his father who taught as a teacher only got 25 Dutch Guilders. The salary must be deducted to rent a house on Jalan Pahlawan 88 Surabaya for 10 Golden.
The rest must be able to support a family of 4 people, namely father, mother, Soekarno, and Soekarmini who is Soekarno's older brother.
Education History of Ir Soekarno
Soekarno's biography about the history of education is no less important to know because this is where Soekarno's knowledge was first formed.
In Mojokerto his father became a teacher at the Eerste Inlandse School and it was there that little Soekarno started school.
In 1911, Soekarno moved to ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) which is an elementary school level education, and then entered HBS (Hogere Burger School) in Surabaya.
In 1915, Soekarno completed his education at Hogere Burger School. Then he lived with the family of Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto, known as H.O.S Cokroaminoto.
H.O.S Cokrominoto who later was the founder of the Islamic Union who was a close friend of Soekarno's father.
So that Soekarno could easily get acquainted with the leaders of the Sarekat Islam (SI) such as Haji Agus Salim and Abdul Muis.
While still living at the Cokroaminoto family's house, Soekarno began to study politics and often made speeches by himself by standing in front of a mirror.
Soekarno's education received at Hogere Burger School supported his knowledge and skills in politics and speech to become the Great Orator.
Soekarno moved to Bandung after completing his education at Hogere Burger School in 1921.
In Bandung, Soekarno lived with Haji Sanusi and continued his education at the Technische Hooge School majoring in Civil Engineering until he received his Engineer degree on May 25, 1926.
Soekarno's Biography during the National Movement
Biography Soekarno began to enter the national movement in 1926. In 1926 Sukarno founded the Bureau of Engineers together with Ir. Anwari and started working on various designs and building designs. Soekarno also worked together with Ir. Rooseno to design and built the house.
While in Bandung, Soekarno also founded the Algemeene Study Club (ASC) which later became the forerunner of the founding of the Indonesian National Party.
The Indonesian National Party was founded in 1927. As a party founder and activist, Soekarno was arrested by the Dutch in December 1929.
At the end of the year coinciding with December 31, 1931, Sukarno was released because of the Phenomenal Pledoi movement.
In 1932 Soekarno joined the Indonesian Party/Partido in July. Partido itself is a fraction of the Indonesian National Party.
In August 1933, Soekarno was again arrested and then exiled to Flores by the Dutch. This exile was aimed at preventing the unity of the younger generation at that time.
At that time Soekarno was almost forgotten by national figures because he was exiled to a remote location. However, even though he was repeatedly arrested, it did not dampen the spirit of Soekarno's struggle until Soekarno was transferred to Bengkulu in 1938.
As recorded in the history of Soekarno's biography when he was exiled to Bengkulu he met Mohmmad Hatta who became a friend in arms and became a figure in the proclamation of Indonesian independence.
In Bengkulu, Soekarno also met with Fatmawati who became his wife. Initially, Fatmawati invited Soekarno to teach at the Bengkulu Muhammadiyah School to continue to knit love in a family.
Soekarno's biography in the struggle did face many obstacles until Soekarno was released during the Japanese colonial period in 1942.
Biography of Soekarno and the Japanese Colonial Period
In 1942, Dutch colonialism ended and the Dutch left Indonesia. Soekarno was about to be transferred by the Dutch to Australia but failed after being intercepted by the Japanese. then Soekarno returned to Jakarta.
Japan used Sukarno to attract sympathy from the population to support the policies made by Japan.
Soekarno's biography notes that the Japanese appointed Sukarno to lead the preparation team for the independence of the Indonesian nation, namely BPUPKI and PPKI.
Japan promised to give independence to Indonesia. Soekarno even dispatched to Japan to meet the Japanese emperor, Emperor Hirohito.
Sukarno with an unyielding attitude continued to take a political approach and cooperate with Japan to achieve independence.
On the other hand, Soekarno and other national figures continued to make preparations for independence, such as formulating Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which became the ideology and basis of the Indonesian state as well as compiling and formulating the text of the proclamation of independence.
Biografi Seokarno dalam Peristiwa Rengasdengklok
Catatan Sejarah Biografi Soekarno dan Peristiwa Rengasdengklok terjadi menjelang proklamasi kemerdekaan.
Peristiwa Rengasdengklok terjadi akibat adanya perbedaan pendapat dan sudut pandangan antara golongan tua dan golongan muda.
Golongan Tua menginginkan agar proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia dipersiapkan secara matang dan baik.
Sementara bagi golongan muda menginginkan agar kemerdekaan Indonesia diproklamasikan segera mungkin dan secepatnya, tanpa harus menunggu lama dengan berbagai persiapan yang tidak diperlukan.
Karena adanya perbedaan pendapat yang tidak ada titik temu, maka kemudian golongan muda melakukan penculikan terhadap Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta tepat pada tanggal 16 agustus 1945.
Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta dibawah ke daerah Rengasdengklok untuk menjauhkan keduanya dari para pembisik dan dari pengaruh Jepang serta menyegerakan terlaksananya proklamasi kemerdekaan.
Peristiwa penculikan inilah yang kemudian disebut dengan Peristiwa Rengasdengklok
Mengetahui Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta telah dibawah ke Rengasdengklok, para tokoh seperti Soebardjo menjemput keduanya.
Kemudian atas permintaan Sutan Syahrir, Soekarno dan muhammad Hatta dibawa kembali ke Jakarta. Ketika tiba di Jakarta keduanya bertemu dengan tokoh lainnya.
Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta dan bersama dengan Ahmad Soebardjo, mereka melakukan perumusan teks proklamasi kemerdekaan yang kemudian diketik ulang oleh Sayuti Melik seperti yang tercatat dalam sejarah Biografi Soekarno.
Soekarno's Biography in the Rengasdengklok Incident
Right on August 17, 1945, the Proclamation of Indonesian independence was read by Soekarno and accompanied by several national figures. This date is the day of independence for the Indonesian people and is celebrated every year.
Indonesia was formed based on a republic with a democratic system based on the 1945 Constitution with the state symbol of Pancasila.
Then Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta were appointed the first president and vice president of the state of Indonesia.
At that time, Indonesia was undergoing a cabinet reshuffle because President Soekarno did not believe in the multiparty system and called it a party disease.
As a new country, it is undeniable that there are many problems, often making the stability of the country shake.
During Sukarno's leadership as the first president of Indonesia, there was a PKI rebellion led by Muso who was an old friend of Soekarno.
In addition, there were also rebellions called Permesta, the Maluku Republic Rebellion, the APRA Rebellion, and the Establishment of Darul Islam or better known as DI/TII.
Although there were many obstacles and obstacles faced at the beginning of the birth of the country led by Soekarno, Indonesia began to be known and respected by the international community.
World leaders such as John F. Kennedy, the American president, Fidel Castro, the Cuban president, and leaders of other countries have great respect for President Soekarno.
Efforts for cooperation and trade began to be carried out, having established close relations with the Russian state which was marked by the purchase of weapons for Indonesian defense.
The state of Indonesia has replaced the government system from a parliamentary system to a presidential system which occurred between 1945 and the 1960s.
In 1960, a very sad political upheaval broke out in Indonesia. A very cruel rebellion event, namely the PKI Rebellion (Indonesian Communist Party).
The incident of the PKI rebellion, better known as the G30-S/PKI where many scholars, students, and people were kidnapped and killed.
The PKI rebellion was successfully crushed by the TNI, then made the end of the story of Soekarno's leadership as the first president of Indonesia.
This is marked by the existence of a letter called "Supersemar" or the Order of the Eleven March in 1966 which is famous and is still a polemic and historical controversy because the original manuscript is not known to exist until now.
Supersemar was issued directly by President Soekarno and contained orders/appeals from President Soekarno to Suhartotoo control the stability of national security which was in chaos.